Sabado, Disyembre 10, 2016


Name of Learner: Heaven Claire Capangpangan                             Age: 13
Grade Level: 7                                                                               Gender: Female
Number of siblings: 1
Birth order:2

Mother: Ruthie Capangpangan                                 Educational attainment: college level
Occupation: Housewife
Father: Joeray Capangpangan                                  Educational attainment: college level
Occupation: Businessman

Learner's physical Aspect:

     Heaven is a healthy student with fair skin and intelligent she is the top 1 of her class.

Social Development:

    She is not really sociable because after class she went home.

Emotional-Moral Development:
    Even though she is not sociable she can communicate to her classmate and to other people.

Cognitive Development:

    According to her teacher she always participate and can answer the question of the teacher.


   In my own view the type of parenting child has authoritative. The parents are supportive to their child.Because the family is the first to educate their children and teach them well so that when they encounter other people they can interact well and manner.


    My parents is my inspiration to study more and strive my goals because they are the one who work hard for me to go to school and as a payback i will try my very best to achieved my goals in life and the life they want for me.

                                                        MY ATTENDANCE SHEET

                                                    MY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION


                                                        OBSERVATION REPORT

            As i am observing the classroom i have notice the different kinds of students who can participate to the teachers discussion and activity some of them talks nonsense or out of topic. I can see the student who is willing to learn because they want to have good grades and become an achiever.


  It is easy to identify who participate well in the class because he/she can easily answer the question of the teacher. If their classmate cannot answer the question their classmate will automatically back up. The teacher treat the students fairly even though the student is stubborn and hard headed.


 When i was in high school, every time there was a discussion my teacher ask if we understand and majority of my classmate will not respond to the question because of fear and ashamed to ask on what he/she cant understand. In the future as I will be teaching the next generation. I will never forget the desire of letting the student understand all of the lesson. It must be the class as whole because all of them deserved equal rights and treatment.


  As I observed the grade 7 students handled by my resource teacher Mrs. Machika, i observed different kinds of interaction by the students in the classroom. The classroom is very noisy because the teacher is not around. As i observed this practice there is a boundary between the teacher and the student. On the other hand the students interact to their classmates comfortable way.


 The main person who play key role is the teacher. Because she is the one who give learning to the students and also she will the one to monitor their students. The teacher should have long patience to his/her students and also she should be the role model so that the students will learn eagerly.


 When I'm in the classroom I already felt that i am a teacher. I also felt the sense of unity in the classroom among the learners because i can see their eagerness of learning. I will encourage them to learn more and study so that they can achieve their goals in the future.

EPISODE 3: Classroom management and learning

An observation guide for learners characteristics 

Name of School: Iligan City East High School
Observed: Grade 7
Location of the School: Sta. Filomena, Iligan City
Date of Visit:November 23, 2016

   During my observation in Grade 7 i found out that most of the pupils are 12-14 years of age. Most of the pupils majority are girls and boys are 10 to 15 in the classroom. Each of them have different characteristics and attitudes, some can manage their own and some are dependent to their teacher. Yes like doing their assigned task in cleaning their classroom and others that teacher assigned them. The teacher focuses her attention to all of them so that they can participate and work well. But some of the students will not listen and participate.

Observation of the classroom visit

Observation Notes: 

    There are areas in the classroom where they store books and students belongings that can be found in the corner of the classroom. There are also rules and regulations, the teachers schedule of teaching. Their daily routine are cleaning inside the classroom. The daily routines are pray, then checking the attendance done by the home room teacher, the class discussion and after they have short quiz and end in prayer again. There is seating arrangement consist of girl, boy by 5 rows. The classroom that I observed is very noisy the teacher cannot managed their noisiness. The teacher calls his/her attention for not following instructions. The teacher reinforce positive behavior is by talking nicely to the students and being a good role model to them. 

                                                       CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT MATRIX 

  Aspect of Classroom Management                        Description                               Effect on the Learners                                     1. specific areas in the classroom                 The areas in the classroom are .      Students can learn how to                                                                                                                               organize things.
                                                                    very well organized.

2.Classroom rules                                       The classroom rules are reminded by   Following simple rules
                                                                 the teacher in every point of view.

3. Classroom procedures                            Everyday there is assigning of cleaners   Students know how to                                                                                                                                  be responsible.

4. Daily routines                                         Praying, checking attendance                  Students will not able to                                                                                                                                absent.

5. Seating arrangement                                Seating arrangement is girl, girl, boy       They will be able to                                                                                                                                      socialize with their                                                                                                                                            seatmates.

6. Handling misbehavior                             The teacher always say behave and listen  Can learn to obey                                                                                                                                           adults.
7. Reinforcement of positive behavior          Giving plus points during quiz                   Motivate to study                                                                                                                                            more.


    As I imagine myself organizing my classroom in the future, I see that i will be handling grade 7 level. I will rules in coming early and do their assign task Learners should involve in making classroom rules so that they can apply to themselves.

Biyernes, Disyembre 9, 2016

EPISODE 2: Learner's Characteristics and Needs

Learners development Matrix      

Development Domain
High School 

Gross motor skills

Fine motor skills

Self-help skills
  • their actions deliberately but sometimes they would still run and walk freely especially if they are playing.
  • could write legibly, read with comprehension and can draw well.                     
  • they have the ability to help themselves        independently. 

Interaction w / Teachers

Interaction w / classmates / friends

  • listens attentively but sometimes engaged to talk  to their seatmates. 
  • Teachers are well respected.
  • Choose friends whom they get along well, where they could share similar sxperience.                                                 

Moods & temperament, expression of feelings

emotional independence
  • they could hide their feelings from being happy to sad
  • they could handle their emotions now. Shy  or ashamed of crying and showing emotions in public.


Communication skills

thinking skills

  • talks with sense. Ideas are expresses freely, communicates well. Their opinions are mostly based on their experiences and the teaching they gathered. 


Salient Characteristics Observed
Implications to the Teaching-Learning Process
High School 
Age of learners observed :  13-16
  • Very observant. Could speak well and talks with sense.
  • The teacher should act accordingly for they will be the role model of the students in the development of right attitudes and values.


1. I recalled my experience when i was at their age i am fond of playing, not focusing to the teachers discussion, talking with my seatmates and got scolded sometimes for not paying attention. 

2. The teacher I could not forget is Mam Garcia because she teaches us time management which I use because of early class in my college and also she is generous, kind even though she is strict. And she is one of my inspiration of being a teacher someday. 

3. My favorite theory is social learning wherein we observed how the child interacts to the people around them. This can guide me as a future teacher is by letting known that each children has her/his own approach to given.

4. Teaching is both vocation and mission. I learn that there are many factors to affect or contribute to the development of a child. 

EPISODE 1: Learner's Development and Environment



1. The Iligan City East High School is in urban place, it is beside the highway of Sta. Filomena. and the front of the school is a way to the beach.

2. The school campus is composed of several buildings for secondary students. On the external view Green, White and Blue are dominating my eyes. Green and White for the color of the buildings, and Blue for the skirt of the girl's uniform. And also the plants whose color is different. The other buildings are under construction for their senior high school students.

3. While passing by the offices, I observed that the office is helpful and appropriate for both faculty and members of the school (faculty and students) and also for the students.

4. The school hall is not really clean the floors have several dust, and unfortunately I never been in their library but their school cafeteria is well mannered and clean.


In my own observation of classroom, it is warm but not suitable to study, the classroom is not mannered the chairs are not align. There are many students in 1 classroom i think 30+ maximum. 

1. The school campus creates the learner's environment so that the school campus and the classroom must be conductive to learning. Proper care for the students and attitude towards the teacher must be enhanced because most of the students don't have respect to the teacher while discussing because they are not listening to the teacher. 

2. A child needs a conducive environment for an effective learning. Their minds and body are still developing so they need proper care and nourishment. As a teacher provide them proper care, attention and understanding to develop their nature that would help in the teaching learning process.


1. I would like to teach to the school that i have observed because the foundation of education is good and i want to give the students proper attention and respect because most of them don't have.

2. The school campus which is conducive to learning is the one with quite atmosphere  that has complete facilities that will surely help and learners benefited by the students to understand the subject matter they are studying. 

3. The classroom which is conducive to learning is a classroom with proper chairs, functioning electric fan for the ease of the students all other facilities that will greatly contribute for the attainment of knowledge of the students and most especially an expert teacher by profession and by heart.

4. For now, I will study hard so that i can be a good teacher in the future. If i have a good grades and right experiences I have no doubt that i can accomplish to become a compassionate teacher.

5. I learn that every student have different insights of the environment that's why the teacher should be more flexible and complex to know that.